Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The ten most fascinating people of the year picked by me

Each year Barbara Walters gives us a top ten list of the most fascinating people in America. Each and every year this brings some friendly debate inside many circles. I have decided to make my own list and see how the comparisons to the other lists go

David Pierce- Pierce had a dynamite year this year. He terrorized the Major Leagues with a 350 batting average and hit 45 homeruns to lead the league. What put Pierce on the list this year was his two OUI arrests over the summer. He has been in and out of trouble for the last three seasons, but has always managed to keep up the phenomenal play on the field. Pierce’s great play has him on the list this year.

Donna Morrison- Morrison had her second hit record this year after a turbulent year in her personal life. An overdose, a suicide attempt and a divorce did not seem to sequester her voice. Morrison has sold millions of records and as millions more young fans.

Julio Montaup- Won the Tour De France have years of finishing in the top ten. A doping scandal took the title from Montaup. Montaup originally disputed the blood test results and then admitted he was guilty. For that intestinal fortitude he is on our list.

Mark Ross- Ross ran into a school bus when he was still intoxicated from a night of spiked eggnog. For this Ross mad our list.

Mary Stevens- Mary made several mistakes this year on her first year on the NASCAR circuit. Cheating with equipment, bad driving and her biggest offense, using her sponsor’s competitor’s products was the tip of the iceberg. For that act of defiance, Mary is on our list.

Bill Bright-Nicknamed not so bright, Bill single handedly cancelled Christmas in his town by suing the town for having a Christmas tree. Way to go Bill, you are now on our list.

Steven Neil-Neil, a professional soccer player mooned the crowd after a loss in the championship game in Bangladesh. For this one defiant act of revenge, Neil makes our list.

Barbara Steele-The congresswoman was caught accepting lavish gifts from donors and lobbyists. Steel refused to resign and for that she made our list.

Wendy Boxer-The ultimate snowboarder, is the ultimate bad girl on the slopes. Wendy has skied hung over and still won the World Championship. Way to go Wendy, you made our list.

Our person of the year is department store Santa Claus, Mark Ryan. Ryan, with a know case of the H1N1 virus persevered and continued to work. He gave several children the virus as he made it all the way until the end of the season. Thankfully Mark continued his job. He is our person of the year.

As you can see our list is full of amazing people this year who have touched the lives of every citizen of the world. Here is not hoping that next year’s list is one and the same. Folks need to worry about their own lives and stop glorifying others. The only list that I want to make is the one that makes someone proud. Prime example, the good Samaritan award. Let’s be good Samaritans and stop reveling at people who do not deserve the limelight.

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