On Saturday’s I produce a column called “The Weekly Thought Bonanza”. This column is about random thoughts that run through my head all week and trust me there are a lot of them. I will try share as many of these as I can so each one of my readers can spend their weekend using a little extra brain power as they get to ponder what goes through my head in a week.
Does it have to rain every time I have plans on the weekend? When you have nothing to do, it never rains. I will never get the weather; which brings me to wondering how weatherman can only be right fifty percent of the time and still have a job. I know how they keep their jobs; all you need to do is say it MIGHT rain tomorrow. You will not be wrong with a maybe.
I hate to say it, but this might be the Yankees year. Listen people; let’s get over the “Yankees Suck” chants. We are better than that. Act like you have won it before. Just a suggestion.
WE are Marshall, is a phenomenal movie and an even better story. God works in mysterious ways and when that community suffered; they came together and persevered. A lesson for everyone.
The Food Channel just ran a piece on Appalachian cooking. Possum and raccoon brains were on the menu. Next time you complain about a television dinner, think twice before you do.
Last week’s poll question asked if the media covered the Michael Jackson death too much. Overwhelmingly you all said yes. Now if our national media would just listen to us for once and not try for the quick ratings boost maybe they could go back to reporting what is really important.
What happened to chalk boards? Did the world run out of chalk?
Does anyone remember life before television remotes? What would children do if they had to get up off of the couch and change the channel?
New Hampshire does not mandate helmets for motorcycle riders. That is just not live free and die, it is just really insane.
I cannot remember the last time I had a beer that knocked my socks off. We have 500 microbrews and they all seem to taste the same.
Unemployment in this country is way too high for a full recovery. We spent all of this economic recovery money on pork barrel projects that did not create any jobs. Why don’t we spend the money on infrastructure and get people working with real jobs. It is a win win situation. Better roads, good jobs, and of course, a lower unemployment rate to get a recovery moving.
Can anyone tell me why Paris Hilton is more of an American icon then some of our leaders? This country is going astray.
Facebook is such a great way to re-connect with old friends.
The “Weekly Thought Bonanza” thought of the week: Last night I watched a program on the Learning Channel that basically predicted we all could live to 1000 by year 2069. When I cannot pee standing up anymore I am out.
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E-mail me at drcchasse@verizon.net
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