Sunday, December 6, 2009

Weekly Thought Bonanza Dec 6th

On Sunday/Monday, I produce a column called “The Weekly Thought Bonanza”. The column is based on all of the random thoughts that run through my head all week, and trust me there are a plethora of them. I will try to share as many of these thoughts as I can, so each one of my readers can think just a little bit extra over the coming week. After my short holiday break the “Bonanza is back.

If I hear about one more story where you cannot display Christmas decorations on public property I am going to scream. This nation was founded as a Christian nation and if anyone really is offended by Santa Claus then we have really taken a giant step back.

When the New England Patriots lose my whole week is just not the same. I can barely pick up the paper. Sad I know. What is sadder is a seven and five record and a loss to the Dolphins.

I watched Bing Crosby in a White Christmas last night and if you get a chance to see the movie, check out the old time special effects. We have certainly come a long way since the 1950’s.

The New Hampshire and Vermont Ski Mountains finally had their first snow fall this weekend and everything looks like a go for next weekend. Here is hoping that it is a great season this year.

Getting back to the holiday theme; does anyone like fruitcake? What a waste of ingredients.

A Mayor in Tennessee is complaining that our Muslim President interrupted a Charlie Brown Christmas for his press conference on Afghanistan. That is kind of a stretch, don’t you think?

Bass shoe outlets are offering a buy one get two free sale on shoes this weekend. If you want to do something for the holidays for the less fortunate, buy a pair of shoes, get two free and then donate them. It is a win win situation for everyone.

If a sandwich just isn’t a sandwich without Miracle Whip salad dressing than what is it?

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been asked to intervene in the Amanda Knox murder case. Seems to me that she should, as most accounts I have read say that the Italian justice system is worse than ours.

Do not eat Chinese food in Chinatown after you watch a sci-fi show about Chinese mafia folks giving people pills that grow large squid like creatures in your intestines. Oh wait, I watched the show on Thursday and ate in Chinatown on Friday.

Spring training starts in fifty nine days. Wow has time flown since the end of the baseball season.

Did I tell you when the Patriots lose my week is awful?

Daylight savings time is not the best idea when it gets dark at about 4:30 pm in New England in the month of December. It was 6 pm tonight and it felt like bed time.

James Cameron’s new movie Avatar looks like a video game come to life.

The Weekly Thought Bonanza thought of the week; Comcast buying NBC is a great idea for Comcast, but when you announce the deal and then announce your support for Obamacare it is all too suspect for me.

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