On Sunday (or Monday if there is a holiday) I produce a column called “The Weekly Thought Bonanza”. The premise of this column is about the random thoughts that run through my head all week and trust me there are a plethora of them. I will try to share as many of these thoughts as I can so each one of my readers can think just a little bit extra over the weekend.
It always amazes me how people can be so rude and inconsiderate all of the time. Earlier in the week, I watched two elderly gentlemen trying to cross the street and at least fifteen cars did not let them cross in a crosswalk no less. What is everyone’s hurry, seriously?
There is something magical to me when the leaves turn colors in autumn here in New England. It also signifies the start to football, baked apple pies, fires in the fireplace or woodstove, autumn brew beer, etc. To me Autumn is a more of a beginning than the Spring. I Love the fall.
How many weight loss pills are on the market today? As Americans we have the worst eating habits in the world, yet all you have to do is take a magic pill or drink a special shake and all the weight goes away. Take a walk in your local park and see how well those pills and shakes actually work.
Hollywood rehab shows are not on television. Why would anyone and I mean anyone watch one of these shows?
Who is Lauren Conrad and why should I care about her?
Last year I closed my pool at the end of October. This year I am closing it this week. I believe I used the pool no more than ten times since April. Good old fashion global warming.
Beverly Hills 90210 came back last year and on Tuesday night another retread is coming back, Melrose Place. Ok, I admit I will be watching it on Tuesday night. I will do anything to go back to those college years.
Why did the Patriots trade Richard Seymour?
My beloved New York Yankees look better to me every day. Since I was traded to the Yankees, I never realized just how miserable Red Sox fans are. I have people calling and e-mailing me still complaining about my move. Most of these e-mails and calls come from people who have not watched a game since the last time the Red Sox won in ’07. Just because you live in Massachusetts does not mean you have to be all Red Sox all the time. I love the controversy though. Let’s go Yankees!!
And “The Weekly Thought Bonanza” thought of the week; Has anyone ever remembered the last time the flu has scared everyone so badly? H1N1 is the flu people it is not the Bubonic Plague.
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