Sunday, November 8, 2009

Weekly thought Bonanza November 8

On Sunday/Monday, I produce a column called “The Weekly Thought Bonanza”. The column is based on all of the random thoughts that run through my head all week, and trust me there are a plethora of them. I will try to share as many of these thoughts as I can, so each one of my readers can think just a little bit extra over the coming week.

Fort Hood is a prime example of the military not paying attention to a soldier’s mental stability. Ever watch that scene from the movie Hamburger Hill where the soldier killed the Drill Sergeant? When I was in basic training I witnessed a person in my platoon try to commit suicide right in front of the group. The soldier stayed in the unit for a week until he was sent to psyche. Just incredible.

Cats are now getting the H1N1 virus. What next, pigeons?

Billions of dollars of taxpayer money went to most of the banking institutions in this country. Several countries around the world did the same thing to their financial institutions. If you’re a small business or need a personal loan it is almost impossible to borrow money from one of these institutions. How can we give all of this money and not get it into the hands of the people who need it?

Tim Tebow, the Heisman Trophy winner from the University of Florida, is the perfect student athlete. He is definitely one to emulate.

UFC fighting has become more popular than boxing. Professional boxing, I am afraid is going by the wayside. Too many champions in each division has so diluted the sport, it is tough to recognize who is the real champion. Do we really need five heavyweight title holders?

ESPN films are outstanding.

Is anyone monitoring what children put on U tube nowadays? I cannot believe some of the content that young people are posting on that site. Parents please monitor your children’s internet usage more closely.

Green Mountain Coffee’s Chai Latte is absolutely fabulous. My Kuerig Machine has never been so happy.

ABC’s Flash Forward is absolutely a phenomenal new show that has kept my interest each week it has been on. Finally, a new show to talk about at the water cooler in the morning.

The new Cherry Dr. Pepper commercial with Gene Simmons and his son is an instant classic.

Sesame Street producers are getting criticized for a parody that appears to take a stab at Fox News, and the ombudsman for the show says that the criticism is justified.

In a two-year old episode that was rebroadcast on October 29, the 40-year-old PBS children’s show features Oscar the Grouch making the decision to star in his own news network, called the Grouch News Network, or GNN. The skit features CNN’s Anderson Cooper filling in for Oscar as he chats with “Walter Cranky” and “Dan Rather-Not,” parodies on Walter Cronkite and Dan Rather.

But when a muppet caller decides that the news is not grouchy enough, she says she is changing the channel to Pox News. When PBS starts to get into politics, then we have a seriously situation here. PBS is supported with taxpayer money and has always leaned to the left in the political spectrum. When Sesame Street becomes political, it is time to review their funding.

The “Weekly Thought Bonanza” thought of the week. The family show V, had its season premiere on Tuesday night to great ratings. My problem with the show is that the episode was sponsored by K-Y Jelly is ludicrous. This was a family show and to have it sponsored by an adult product makes no sense to me

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