On Sunday, I produce a column called “The Weekly Thought Bonanza”. The premise of this column is about the random thoughts that run through my head all week and trust me there are a plethora of them. I will try to share as many of these thoughts as I can so each one of my readers can think just a little bit extra over the weekend.
Not that I drank it very often before, but I drink soda very rarely as I am a diabetic and I can only drink diet soda. American’s consume an average of twenty two teaspoons of sugar a day and diet soda is not an alternative to cutting back. There is absolutely no nutritional value in it and there is always an aftertaste to diet soda drinks. Here is a major warning, do not try the diet green tea ginger ale ever. You will thank me over and over again.
Watching a baby sleep is absolutely priceless. Trying to get an angry baby to sleep might be worse than a trip to your dentist for a root canal.
I started to learn how to bake pies over the last few months. There is absolutely nothing better than eating a big meal while you are watching football on a Sunday then finishing it off with a delicious freshly baked pie. This is one time in life that you do not mind all of the practice in the search for perfection.
Rainy Saturday’s in the fall were meant for college football. Sunny days in the fall were meant for raking leaves and staking wood. Guess which one guy’s pray for in the fall.
Our fury canine friends have no problem going through the trash to find a snack or even eating their own poop. My question is, why are there so many flavors of dog food? If you think about it long and hard it does not make a whole lot of sense.
Have you ever tried any of those As Seen on TV products? I must admit, I do try them because they always look like they will be a winner and I am a gadget guy. I need to learn my lesson sooner rather than later because they never work like they do when you watch them on the infomercial. I still like to try them though.
Michael Jordan was the best basketball player I have ever seen without a debate.
What is everyone’s new fascination with vampires? I for one have never been impressed.
President Obama addressed schools this past week and there was an uproar by several people protesting the President’s address. Why? Whether you approve of his politics or not he is still the President of the United States. I commend the President for giving a pep talk to our school age children.
Congratulations go out to Diane Sawyer who is replacing Charles Gibson on the anchor desk at ABC World News Tonight. Sawyer deserves the job after all that she has done over at ABC. She brought Good Morning America back from the dead and will revitalize World News Tonight.
Can you still win father of the year award after you lock your child in the car? Whose idea was it to put automatic door locks on Grand Cherokee’s.
Feel good story of the week. Dr. Denton Lotz gave his first church sermon at the age of seventy yesterday. He has seventy years of experience behind each sermon I say.
The “Weekly Thought Bonanza” thought of the week. Caster Semenya, an 800 meter runner for South Africa, is having her gender questioned because of her manly looks and deep voice. Her is a solution to the problem. Have a doctor go in and give her a physical exam. If she has male organs she is not a she, end of debate.
For all who know me 9/11 is a very tough day for me every year. I actually wrote a column a few weeks ago “Have We Forgotten”. (http://drcrischasse.blogspot.com/2009/08/have-we-forgotten.html). If you have not read it please do and you will understand how this year was a lot tougher than most.
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