I love going to the grocery store every day. I am a great cook and I love to buy my meats and produce daily. From the checkout clerks to the stock people, I have had several conversations about everything and anything. One particular conversation I have had recently has started my thought process running wild; what does organic mean and why does it cost more?
All agriculture, produce and livestock were considered organic until the twentieth century when pesticides, genetic altering and synthetic chemicals were introduced. The addition to these chemicals and genetically engineered procedures in the food supply increased production substantially, adding nutrients not produced by nature, and extending the longevity of meats and produce. Here is where the debate begins, is the science here beneficial or not?
There is absolutely no question that pesticides have lead to some controversy in the scientific community. There is controversial data on the health implications of certain pesticides. For example, the herbicide Atrazine has been shown in some experiments to be a teratogen causing demasculinization in male frogs exposed to small concentrations. Under the effects of Atrazine, male frogs were found to have greatly increased occurrences of either malformed gonads, or testicular gonads which contain non-degenerate eggs. Effects were however significantly reduced in high concentrations, as is consistent with other teratogens affecting the endocrine system, such as estradiol. * Kermit the frog is in deep trouble with Miss Piggy if he develops malformed testicles.
Organic foods prohibit the use of pesticides unless the pesticides are made from plants. Some organic pesticides, such as rotenone, have high toxicity to fish and aquatic creatures with some toxicity to mammals. It causes Parkinson's disease if injected into rats. *
I did the research on organic foods and I am more confused than ever. I will either eat foods with pesticides and have square testicles or I could decide to eat foods with organic pesticides and develop Parkinson’s. Maybe I should just not eat or maybe, just maybe, I need to figure out which is best.
I checked several websites and everyone of them had pros and cons with each. My decision on which one was the better choice for me still had me absolutely confused. Having me confused is not that difficult.
Whole Foods Stores is the number one retailer in the world of natural and organic foods. I have been to a Whole Foods Store and I have found it very intriguing. They certainly have a great selection of products and I have always found their food to be good. Their laundry soaps, organic dryer sheets that have no scent, and their bath products I found to be less than stellar however. Actually organic non-food items are downright subpar. Chalk one up for the non organic side here.
Organic foods are up to forty percent more expensive than non organic foods. Organic foods do have a certain flair about them though. If there is really no health benefit to organic foods is the price really worth it?
Experts say that you should wash all of your foods regardless if they are organically grown or not. I have to tell you, that I have not washed all the apples and broccoli I buy all the time. Shhh, it is our little secret.
At the end of my research there was no concrete evidence in either direction that whatever food you eat has much of a difference either way. Organic junk food is still junk food and an apple with pesticides is still an apple. I just have to decide whether a square testicle is just a square testicle. I do not think that particular thought will be shared with my local grocer.
Information gathered from Wikipedia*
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