Thursday, September 17, 2009
If you want the girl in the 21st Century become a cultured jock
The pink ball cap wearing sports enthusiast female is a new phenomenon since the turn of the century. Pink Red Sox and Yankee hats at baseball games and Pink Patriot’s and Cowboy ball caps and jerseys at football games now fill the stadium and the pro shops. Females are finally not just appreciating but religiously following sports and winning most of the fantasy leagues they enter (Like It wasn’t tough enough losing every year). As a male we should be overjoyed or shall I say tickled pink about the turn of events, but as a male we cannot rest on our laurels and expect not to return the favor. We must turn into the “cultured jock”.
The definition of a cultured jock will not be found in Wikipedia or Webster’s or anywhere else for that matter. It is a newer phenomenon than the Pink Hats. From a new trend comes a reaction and the cultured jock is a reaction to the Pink Hats. Females want a well rounded individual and not just some tobacco chewing ball player whose idea for a date is Arby’s after a softball double header. Why do females have so many gay male friends? The answer is simple and it is quite clear, gay men are individuals with a wide variety of taste and interests and that is what a girl wants, she wants to wear the hat but she also wants to feel like a lady. If you are following the definition then, a cultured jock can play that softball double header and instead of Arby’s, it is a candle lit dinner at a quaint restaurant and a museum, play or a chick flick after. Balance is the key here gentlemen.
If you’re a male and you have never experienced a Broadway show or a local dinner theatre play, then what are you waiting for? How can you say that it is not my cup of tea when you have never had the experience? Men will watch the worst B-movie ever made twenty seven times , yet most will not invest two hours at the theatre or a museum to not only impress a lady but also to open their horizons. If you think about it, mothers will become sports enthusiasts because of their boy’s and dad’s will go to the ballet or dance recital for their little girls. Why not get exposure to it and learn to enjoy it before daddy’s little girl comes? Trust me; the winds are blowing for the cultured jock in you to expose him, if you want to meet someone special.
Men and women are getting married later on in life nowadays with woman being more and more selective than they were in the 80’s, where all it took was a pair of break dancing pants and a funky hat to get the girl of your dreams. Those days are long gone gentlemen.
Why wouldn’t you want to try to expand your horizons? Is there nothing better than trying something new only to find out it could become your new favorite activity. Backpacking with a picnic is not so bad is it? How about a walk on the beach before sunset, a good dinner and then a board game? The sky could be the limit if you throw in some flowers and have some decent music on an iPod. Besides learning to be well rounded, we will have to experience some of the things that women enjoy outside of what we do as a male.
When was the last time you went shopping with your significant other? How about when you really just listened? It does not take a lot to just listen and to really appreciate what a woman is saying. You can listen and not understand anything they are saying but it is the listening part that brings you in tune with her. That is the important part.
Women have not only tipped the scale in their favor they have now become empowered to beat men at their own game. Have you ever seen a Women’s World Cup Soccer Game? I will watch the women play any day of the week. Women’s Basketball and Track have really started to get more traction each and every year. Danica Patrick won her first car race this year and did a layout in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue during a break in racing. Tell me what man in racing is doing that? When Annika Sorenstam and Michelle Wie can beat ninety five percent of male golfers on the planet the tide has changed.
Men should not worry however, as more than half of the empowerment of woman has come from the most important man in any woman’s life, their dad. From my own personal experience it is about time. No longer will it ever be his and hers any more, it is an ours.
Women have tipped the scale as I have explained and men can even the score. We need to beat them at their own game. Sweetness and compassion will go a long way. I have to tell you it will not be an easy process and it will take some doing on our part.
You cannot do this half heartedly; you must show that it is not forced. No one will tell you that it is going to be all roses however. You will make mistakes and with each mistake it will enhance your learning process. You will say that she has lost weight and looks good even though she is not dieting. You will lose your mind at times and say that her sweater doesn’t match or her shoes are not appropriate for the day’s activities. Piece of advice a woman’s shoes should never be discussed ever.
When a female tells you she would rather watch the NBA playoffs then go out tonight the transformation of the cultured jock as been completed. While people say the male is the dominate sex they really do not have a clue. If you are a male you are never going to carry a child and you will always concede that your mother knows best.
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Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Can we have fun again and get rid of the self pity!
Do you honestly remember when the last time that you had fun was? Remember that time when the laughter came from the belly, aka a “belly laugh”? Imagine if we could bottle up that laughter and put a little of that happiness in everyone. Maybe we just need a good ole fashion shot of Jack Daniels or Tequila. I think the whole world needs a drink for that matter.
Why are we so uptight about so many things lately? I used to believe that we were a generally happy society where smiles were plentiful. Now I believe there is a big portion of our society whose only happiness comes from the misery of others. How do so many people find enjoyment in spreading vicious gossip or wallow in someone’s misery? How does an individual find enjoyment kicking a person when they are down? Is it jealousy or is it a case where individuals need to feel like others are in their same predicament in life? Who will step up to the plate and change this?
Have you ever gone to Perez Hilton’s website and seen the downright hate he has for celebrities or politicians? Is it that Perez looks in the mirror every morning and doesn’t see a happy person, but sees someone who has such low self esteem he feels the need to embarrass others on his silly website? Page Six, the gossip column section of the New York Post featuring Cindy Adams, is the most popular section of the newspaper surveys say year after year after year. People know more about who is dating who or who got drunk over the weekend and spilled the fish tank over at Tavern on the Green than they do about the good deeds of people. Gossip Columns are not worthy of print and they never give you that anything positive or to feel good about.
I have to ask myself if I would read a feel good story to the end. Of course I would. I enjoy positive news and especially enjoy when people share a smile. We have only one life to live on this earth and it should be a life worth living. We should share in others accomplishments and console them in their failures. I started drinking the Kool-Aid and I am a better person because of it.
I love a great story told by an elder. I have always been a history buff and there is nothing better than seeing the glee in an elder’s eye as they tell the story. Sometimes listening to that story makes a day worth living for an elderly person. I am amazed at how little it takes to make someone’s day. As American’s live longer and longer more times than not people are outliving their spouse’s. Imagine the emptiness that must go along with that.
Whether you are a joke teller or not, a well told joke can keep you laughing all day. I am one that forgets pretty much all the jokes that I hear. I wish I could remember them word for word but I never do. I get so engulfed in a good joke that I forget to remember it. I guess there are worse things in life than forgetting a good joke.
People have always found solstice in their local pub or their watering hole. Jokes and stories are always abound with the patrons and the wait staff. Enjoying others company with a pint and some food is a great way to relax after a long day. As long as you don’t overindulge on the drink or the food it is a positive experience.
Having dinner with your family and sharing your day’s experiences seems to be lost in society. My family had the longest dinners where our day’s events were always discussed as a family. When dad got home and after his quick beeline to the bathroom, some of my best memories came from the conversations we had at dinnertime. We never ate dinner quickly and we never finished with someone still having something to share.
Television or a good book is a great release and a way to bring a smile to you. I am not speaking of watching the celebrity so called news shows where there is nothing positive to share or reading the National Enquirer. I am speaking of old fashion comedy variety shows or the great mystery novel. Family entertainment is not popular any more. Show’s like Baby makes Eight and the drama that goes with a show like that dominates television today.
Our children need to grow up and learn that positive reinforcement is the only way to grow up. There is nothing better than seeing a child smile and laugh. While two parent families are becoming a thing of the past that does not mean positive reinforcement needs to be. We owe it to our children to not only make them feel safe, but to also instill good values and happiness in them.
We cannot blame the economy for the lack of smiles today. Recessions come and go but happiness can’t. When you feel down just remember thebest days will always be ahead of us and not behind us. Polls have shown that Americans feel the country is going in the wrong direction. Why is that so? We are constantly thinking of new ways to improve our lives and have continued to strive to become better. Nothing will ever be perfect but to say that things are just better isn’t good enough anymore. We have to get back to the basics and starting with a smile everyday is a great way to start.
Times have changed since the early twentieth century and we have to change with the times. We work longer and harder only to see the blue collar middle class continually shrink. Every generation has its struggles and it is how we prosper during those struggles is the most important thing in life. Prosperity brings happiness and happiness brings prosperity.
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Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Are you kidding me Congressman?
South Carolina Representative Joe Wilson, in front of a joint session of Congress and televised on every major network called President Barack Obama a liar during his speech to the nation on healthcare. Representative Wilson was way out of line especially since it was the President and even though he apologized it was a classless thing to do. Rep Wilson was inappropriate and deserved to be censored for it. Whether you agree with Wilson on the political angle here does not matter. The President of The United States should never be heckled by a member of Congress. This is not the House of Commons in Great Britain.
Members of Congress have called for Representative Wilson to be censored for his outspoken remark. No one disagrees with condemning him for his outburst. Some in Congress however, have called the representative a racist because he called the President a liar. Since when is calling another politician a liar racist? If you are a successful politician you are a known liar, face the fact. Barack Obama is the President of the United States. He is a liberal politician who just happens to be half African-American. Real change in this country will come when President Obama is judged on his politics and not because his father was African-American. Americans should be proud that we have set aside race in 2008 and elected a leader because of his politics and not the color of his skin. You do not have to agree with his politics to respect the man as an individual, but with respect comes criticism and this country has to see the criticism as criticism of his politics and not criticism of the man as racism.
When you are at the top you are fair game to be criticized. The President can and should be criticized like any other President before him and should be honored that he is a special member of a fraternity of a special group of men. His administration and democratic members of Congress need to stop hiding behind the racist label when people disagree with the President. Gentlemen and Ladies, America elected him because they thought he was the better man.
Rep. Joe Wilson's outburst last week drew new recriminations from his colleagues Tuesday, with a member of the Congressional Black Caucus suggesting that a failure to rebuke the South Carolina Republican would be tantamount to supporting the most blatant form of organized racism in American history.
Making an obvious reference to the Ku Klux Klan, Rep. Hank Johnson, D-Ga., said Tuesday that people will be putting on "white hoods and white uniforms again and riding through the countryside" if emerging racist attitudes, which he says were subtly supported by Wilson, are not rebuked. He said Wilson must be disciplined as an example.
Congressman Johnson are you serious?
New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd wrote in her column Sunday that Wilson's outburst convinced her that racial angst is the underlying motive among Obama critics like Wilson. Dowd wrote that Wilson "clearly did not like being lectured and even rebuked by the brainy black president presiding over the majestic chamber." This is so typical of the New York Times editorial staff.
President Obama called Kanye West a “jackass” this week because of his actions at the VMA awards. Is Obama a racist now or was he criticizing his actions?
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Monday, September 14, 2009
Remember it's the little things that count.
For me, just like for anyone else, the little things play an extremely important role. You will, for example, end up remembering more than a few moments you’ve spent with your beloved ones down the road, even if, at that point, you didn’t necessarily see them as something special.
Far too many entrepreneurs end up letting their busy lifestyle get the best of them and, unfortunately, most end up realizing just how wrong they were when it’s far too late. Everyone knows that success has its price, but how much are you really willing to pay?
Take it from a person who has “been around the block” for a while: you should never make the huge mistake of underestimating the importance of little things, and helping you understand just that is what the column is all about.
Too Busy Is An Excuse, Nothing More
First of all, I’ll start with the little things most people end up neglecting in life, such as the quality time you spend with your children, wife or husband. In today’s world, it’s easy to use the fact that you are busy as an excuse but really, who are you trying to fool here?
If you think that the only thing you represent to your children is a walking paycheck, you couldn’t be more wrong. Do you know what your children actually need? They need you, as a father or as a mother, they need your personal involvement and they need you to listen.
Do You Really Listen?
So you’ve had a hard day at the office, it isn’t the first time and it will most likely won’t be the last either. A lot of people make the mistake of using their busy lifestyle as an excuse for not listening. They come home tired, too tired to get involved and too tired to listen. They think that, compared to their own issues, the problems their children are facing at school or in everyday life are not really that important.
But guess what: they may not seem important to you, but they are most definitely important to your children, and that’s the only thing that counts. “I’m tired, please don’t bother me”, “Daddy has had a hard day”, “I’m far too busy, maybe next week”, does this sound familiar?
I will tell you this much: you will, at a certain point, regret each and every time you had such an attitude. So you’re making a killing and are able to secure a certain lifestyle for your family? Sorry to burst your bubble, but there are far more important things than that. Your children need you, they don’t need expensive gifts.
Money Can’t Buy Everything
Down the road, you won’t remember tax season and you most definitely won’t remember the TV shows you’ve watched. Treasure each and every moment spent with your beloved ones because, in the end, that’s really the only thing that counts.
You see all sorts of seemingly successful people who would like to make you think that career is everything but, in fact, most of the times, they are empty inside and that’s not a pretty picture. It’s the little things we experience everyday and, a lot of times, don’t pay attention to which make everything worth it. Family, that’s what counts; everything else is scenery.
I’d like to end this column by telling you this much:
You can deplete my bank accounts, you can take away my home, you can take away my car, you can take away every single thing I’ve ever bought and I will not be afraid to start over. Money can be made, properties, cars and all sorts of other objects can be bought. But on the other hand, take away my family and I’m a nobody.
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Sunday, September 13, 2009
“Acorns” should stay on trees and out of the government
ACORN, The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, is a liberal political organization masking itself as a community activist organization that has been hired by the United States Census Bureau to conduct the data collection of the 2010 census. Manhattan Institute Scholar Sol Stern , explains that Acorn is the key modern successor of the radical 1960’s “New Left,” with a “1960’s-bred agenda of anti-capitalism” to match. Acorn, says Stern, grew out of “one of the New Left’s silliest and most destructive groups, the National Welfare Rights Organization.” In the 1960’s, NWRO launched a campaign of sit-ins and disruptions at welfare offices. The goal was to remove eligibility restrictions, and thus effectively flood welfare rolls with so many clients that the system would burst. The theory, explains Stern, was that an impossibly overburdened welfare system would force “a radical reconstruction of America’s unjust capitalist economy.” Instead of a socialist utopia, however, we got the culture of dependency and family breakdown that ate away at America’s inner cities — until welfare reform began to turn the tide.
While Acorn holds to NWRO’s radical economic framework and its confrontational 1960’s-style tactics, the targets and strategy have changed. Acorn prefers to fly under the national radar, organizing locally in liberal urban areas — where, Stern observes, local legislators and reporters are often “slow to grasp how radical Acorn’s positions really are.” Acorn’s new goals are municipal “living wage” laws targeting “big-box” stores like Wal-Mart, rolling back welfare reform, and regulating banks — efforts styled as combating “predatory lending.” Unfortunately, instead of helping workers, Acorn’s living-wage campaigns drive businesses out of the very neighborhoods where jobs are needed most. Acorn’s opposition to welfare reform only threatens to worsen the self-reinforcing cycle of urban poverty and family breakdown. Perhaps most mischievously, says Stern, Acorn uses banking regulations to pressure financial institutions into massive “donations” that it uses to finance supposedly non-partisan voter turn-out drives.
According to Stern, Acorn’s radical agenda sometimes shifts toward “undisguised authoritarian socialism.” Fully aware of its living-wage campaign’s tendency to drive businesses out of cities, Acorn hopes to force companies that want to move to obtain “exit visas.” “How much longer before Acorn calls for exit visas for wealthy or middle-class individuals before they can leave a city?” “This is the road to serfdom indeed.”
Acorn’s tactics are famously “in your face.” Just think of Code Pink’s well-known operations (threatening to occupy congressional offices, interrupting the testimony of General David Petraeus) and you’ll get the idea. Acorn protesters have disrupted Federal Reserve hearings, but mostly deploy their aggressive tactics locally. Chicago is home to one of its strongest chapters, and Acorn has burst into a closed city council meeting there. Acorn protestors in Baltimore disrupted a bankers’ dinner and sent four busloads of profanity-screaming protestors against the mayor’s home, terrifying his wife and kids. Even a Baltimore city council member who generally supports Acorn said their intimidation tactics had crossed the line.
Two employees at the Baltimore, Maryland, branch of the liberal community organizing group ACORN were caught on tape allegedly offering advice to a pair posing as a pimp and prostitute on setting up a prostitution ring and evading the IRS.
The video footage -- which has been edited and goes to black in some areas -- was recorded and posted online Thursday by James O'Keefe, a conservative activist. He was joined on the video by another conservative, Hannah Giles, who posed as the prostitute in the filmmakers' undercover sting.
The video shows the pair approaching two women working at the ACORN Baltimore office and asking them for advice on how to set up a prostitution ring involving more than a dozen underage girls from El Salvador.
One of the ACORN workers suggests that Giles refer to herself as a "performing artist" on tax forms and declare some of the girls as dependents to receive child tax credits.
"Stop saying prostitution," the woman, identified by the filmmaker as an ACORN tax expert, tells Giles. The other woman tells them, "You want to keep them clean ... make sure they go to school."
ACORN became a household name during the 2008 when they were engaged in several counts of voter fraud. Well the tax fraud may be a new revelation with the many voter fraud claims against Obama's favorite activist group. There needs to an expose called "ACORN Gone Wild" to document how many illegal activists ACORN is engaged in.
Eleven people hired to register potential voters in Miami-Dade County before last year’s presidential election were being sought last Wednesday for falsifying hundreds of voter registration cards.
The Miami-Dade State Attorney’s Office issued arrest warrants for each of the 11 suspects, all of whom worked for the local chapter of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, (ACORN).
By early Wednesday morning, six were in custody, authorities said.
Imagine what ACORN can do now that they are getting billions of dollars from their Organizer in Chief, President Obama. Let’s keep political activists from obtaining government funds to promote their agenda.
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