The pink ball cap wearing sports enthusiast female is a new phenomenon since the turn of the century. Pink Red Sox and Yankee hats at baseball games and Pink Patriot’s and Cowboy ball caps and jerseys at football games now fill the stadium and the pro shops. Females are finally not just appreciating but religiously following sports and winning most of the fantasy leagues they enter (Like It wasn’t tough enough losing every year). As a male we should be overjoyed or shall I say tickled pink about the turn of events, but as a male we cannot rest on our laurels and expect not to return the favor. We must turn into the “cultured jock”.
The definition of a cultured jock will not be found in Wikipedia or Webster’s or anywhere else for that matter. It is a newer phenomenon than the Pink Hats. From a new trend comes a reaction and the cultured jock is a reaction to the Pink Hats. Females want a well rounded individual and not just some tobacco chewing ball player whose idea for a date is Arby’s after a softball double header. Why do females have so many gay male friends? The answer is simple and it is quite clear, gay men are individuals with a wide variety of taste and interests and that is what a girl wants, she wants to wear the hat but she also wants to feel like a lady. If you are following the definition then, a cultured jock can play that softball double header and instead of Arby’s, it is a candle lit dinner at a quaint restaurant and a museum, play or a chick flick after. Balance is the key here gentlemen.
If you’re a male and you have never experienced a Broadway show or a local dinner theatre play, then what are you waiting for? How can you say that it is not my cup of tea when you have never had the experience? Men will watch the worst B-movie ever made twenty seven times , yet most will not invest two hours at the theatre or a museum to not only impress a lady but also to open their horizons. If you think about it, mothers will become sports enthusiasts because of their boy’s and dad’s will go to the ballet or dance recital for their little girls. Why not get exposure to it and learn to enjoy it before daddy’s little girl comes? Trust me; the winds are blowing for the cultured jock in you to expose him, if you want to meet someone special.
Men and women are getting married later on in life nowadays with woman being more and more selective than they were in the 80’s, where all it took was a pair of break dancing pants and a funky hat to get the girl of your dreams. Those days are long gone gentlemen.
Why wouldn’t you want to try to expand your horizons? Is there nothing better than trying something new only to find out it could become your new favorite activity. Backpacking with a picnic is not so bad is it? How about a walk on the beach before sunset, a good dinner and then a board game? The sky could be the limit if you throw in some flowers and have some decent music on an iPod. Besides learning to be well rounded, we will have to experience some of the things that women enjoy outside of what we do as a male.
When was the last time you went shopping with your significant other? How about when you really just listened? It does not take a lot to just listen and to really appreciate what a woman is saying. You can listen and not understand anything they are saying but it is the listening part that brings you in tune with her. That is the important part.
Women have not only tipped the scale in their favor they have now become empowered to beat men at their own game. Have you ever seen a Women’s World Cup Soccer Game? I will watch the women play any day of the week. Women’s Basketball and Track have really started to get more traction each and every year. Danica Patrick won her first car race this year and did a layout in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue during a break in racing. Tell me what man in racing is doing that? When Annika Sorenstam and Michelle Wie can beat ninety five percent of male golfers on the planet the tide has changed.
Men should not worry however, as more than half of the empowerment of woman has come from the most important man in any woman’s life, their dad. From my own personal experience it is about time. No longer will it ever be his and hers any more, it is an ours.
Women have tipped the scale as I have explained and men can even the score. We need to beat them at their own game. Sweetness and compassion will go a long way. I have to tell you it will not be an easy process and it will take some doing on our part.
You cannot do this half heartedly; you must show that it is not forced. No one will tell you that it is going to be all roses however. You will make mistakes and with each mistake it will enhance your learning process. You will say that she has lost weight and looks good even though she is not dieting. You will lose your mind at times and say that her sweater doesn’t match or her shoes are not appropriate for the day’s activities. Piece of advice a woman’s shoes should never be discussed ever.
When a female tells you she would rather watch the NBA playoffs then go out tonight the transformation of the cultured jock as been completed. While people say the male is the dominate sex they really do not have a clue. If you are a male you are never going to carry a child and you will always concede that your mother knows best.
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