Is death and taxes the only guarantees in life? I am sure that an incredible amount of bright people have pondered this very quote. Ben Franklin's exact quote is "but in the world nothing can be said to be certain except death and taxes." Is that really true? Absolutely not, I guarantee it.
Sure, everyone unfortunately is going to die and everyone will always pay some sort of taxes, unless you are an illegal alien; but there are other guarantees as well. I guarantee it.
Guarantees in life are plenty and I want to share a few with you. I guarantee these are well thought out and extremely reliable since I am the one guaranteeing it. It is my column and I will guarantee if I want to.
I guarantee you will never feel more emotion in your life then when your child is born. No matter how great someone tells you it is going to be, it is not even close to being the truth.
I guarantee that there is someone in the world that needs your help. Even if it is a perfect stranger put yourself out there and show some love and support. Maybe, if everyone could touch at least one person the world would be a better place.
I guarantee if you make a goal and you put the proper time and effort into it, you will succeed. You may not accomplish all of your goals but you will certainly be the better for it.
Eating healthy and exercising regularly will guarantee you a better lifestyle. You will absolutely feel better about yourself and you will have the energy and stamina necessary to be more productive.
Your first amendment right to free speech is a guaranteed right in this country. You are allowed to speak your mind as long as you do not slander a person. The constitution guarantees it.
I guarantee that if you spend quality time with your children; the benefits will be enormous. All too many times children fall through the cracks because parents do not listen their children. It does not take a lot to make a child happy. Spend the time.
You can guarantee that there is more to life than money. Money cannot buy happiness alone. You need to have other things in your life to make you feel fulfilled.
In the late nineteen nineties I guarantee thirty percent of all of professional athletes were on steroids. Men and women who believed the only what to get ahead in life was to take a short cut dominated athletics. It was wrong then and it will always be wrong no matter how many agents try to spin it.
You can take it to the bank that there will be more regulations on mortgages in the future no pun intended. Never again will undocumented files get through loan underwriters. Our economy will suffer for years as banks gave loans to unqualified individuals, I guarantee it.
Pepsi Cola and Coca-Cola will always be enemies guaranteed. There will never be a day where they will learn to co-exist. Mergers are the wave of the future but imagine for a second what a mixture of Coke and Pepsi would bring to the world. The Pepsi challenge would not be a challenge now would it?
I guarantee that drinking massive amounts of Patron Tequila will always end up badly. It never works out the way you think it will.
I guarantee that the world will eventually run out of oil and someone will have to figure out how to power our transportation vehicles. Ben Franklin did not know what the automobile was back then so we will have to give him a pass for not adding this to his guarantee list.
People from Irish decent should never go out in the sun without some type of sunscreen. That is a guarantee.
I guarantee the Queen of England puts her panty hose on one leg at a time. No one on this earth is born into greatness, greatness comes from inside.
Finally, I guarantee that there is a Santa Claus. I know this because the Easter Bunny told me.
E-mail me your guarantees to drcchasse@verizon.net