I have to be honest; I have an extreme love affair with my pillow. My pillow is a Carpenter Isotonic that I purchased at Bed, Bath, and Beyond. It was a decision for the ages. Seriously people, with over two thousand, five hundred and forty eight hours a year with your pillow you certainly need to be comfortable with it.
I tried every kind of pillow that has ever been manufactured before I settled on my Carpenter Isotonic. It was magical that first night, an instant love affair. I am a romantic what can I say?
A pillow is supposed to provide support and comfort so says Wikipedia online. Comfort with your pillow not only comes in the form of physical comfort but emotional comfort as well. I needed both in a pillow. Everyone needs to be comfortable when they sleep that is a given, it is the emotional attachment that has made my pillow special to me. I know it sounds ludicrous that one can be so attached to a pillow but it is so true.
My hopes and dreams go through my head when I lay on my pillow. When I think about the day that has passed and the day to come, I lay my head on my wonderful beautiful pillow and I always lay out a big sigh. The smile on my face is all you need to see to prove to you that my pillow is part of me.
Have you ever seen a child carry a ratty old blanket or a stuffed animal that has so much stuffing coming out that calling it a stuffed animal seems like an oxymoron? The blanket or the toy animal is something that gives a child that safety zone we all hope to have. Like me with my pillow, it is the comfort and safety that makes me and anyone else who has that special something always go back to it.
It is a human need to get some peace and relaxation in your life. Millions of dollars are spent each year on specialty massages. Massages are not just for body aches folks. They are more for relaxation and getting to a place where you can just get away mentally. One massage session can go for over one hundred dollars and they are getting more expensive all the time. I get the same relaxation from a sixty dollar pillow. You thought I was the crazy one here didn’t you?
I am a firm believer that change is good every once in awhile. You change your clothes to give yourself a different look and feel. The same goes for your pillow. I dress up my pillow with a silk pillow case in the summer, a flannel pillow case in the winter, and sometimes when I go all out I use my famous cotton Snow Man pillow case. There is nothing like a fresh smelling new pillow case to add to your pillow pleasure.
I respect my pillow far too much to use it as a weapon in a pillow fight. Under no circumstance has it ever let me down, so why should I let it down?
Would I ever consider trying another type of pillow even though I believe I found the Holy Grail with the pillow I have. Of course I would. I could try a new down pillow again. Someone could come up with a new Synthetic pillow that could blow me away and I could take a leap and purchase one. I also might go with one of those new orthopedic pillows that are the new age of pillows. My options are endless. Regardless if I change the type, the end result will always be the same. My pillow will always be my comfort zone as I lay my head to sleep, without it my happiness will just disappear like the straw stuffed pillow.
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