Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Weekly Thought Bonanza August 17th

On Sunday/Monday, I produce a column called “The Weekly Thought Bonanza”. The column is based on all of the random thoughts that run through my head all week, and trust me there are a plethora of them. I will try to share as many of these thoughts as I can, so each one of my readers can think just a little bit extra over the coming week.

There are so many reality television shows in the summer that I think maybe I will think of one myself and send it to the networks. I cannot do any worse.

A mosque on the 9/11 site in New York is like having the Taliban running an elementary school in the suburbs.

Ronald Reagan is starting to get traction to get on Mount Rushmore. I for one strongly urge the Congress to give this some serious thought. Reagan was the last president to unite both parties and it was not an easy task in this day and age.

The United States has decided to loosen the travel restrictions to Cuba. I probably should say that it is President Obama who wants to loosen the restrictions. This is one time I agree with President Obama. Real change in Cuba will only come when the Cuban people decide to stand up for themselves. Americans in Cuba can do more than anything or anyone to start the inroads to a free and prosperous Cuban people.

The infamous former Governor Blogojevich was convicted of only one charge, of lying to the FBI, and the other 23 counts ended in a hung jury. Anytime the government needs to retry a case it is a waste of tax payer’s money. Give it a rest already.

Brett Favre is back again this season after a long drawn out “recruitment”. I am probably the only person who actually loves the drama. I do not know how he is still playing in the first place. When your body breaks down everything seems to go all at once. Just ask older athletes. Wait a minute, Brett Favre never gets hurt. Way to go Brett! Ok, I have a man crush on the quarterback and future Hall of Famer. We are the same age and I can barely walk across the street on my achy knees.

If you’re a sports fan, following the sports beat writers can really add to your sports knowledge on a minute by minute basis.

Iran’s nuclear reactor goes online this week, yikes!!!

Anyone have any idea what will be the hottest Christmas gift this year? Wait a minute; am I losing my mind thinking of Christmas already?

I baked cookies for my sons today and I actually ate ten of them. They were a bit on the small side, so I probably only ate five. I have to tell you it was so easy that even a non baker can do it. Open package, put it on a cookie sheet two inches apart, and then bake it four hundred degrees. It is as easy as pie. Maybe that is next.

Why is gold such an important mineral? Does it have any real use besides earrings and bracelets.

The moronic mother of a baby who appeared to be smoking a bong told a detective she thought it was hilarious that her eleven month old son put the marijuana pipe into his mouth and looked like he was smoking pot, according to superior court documents released Thursday. Rachel Stieringer, 19, was arrested on several charges including; possession of drug paraphernalia following the infamous photograph that was posted on u-tube that has attracted so much attention on the Internet. She might just make my yearly list of people who are just plain old dumb.

You can never go wrong with a good Chianti at a restaurant. The price is never extravagant and it is always a good bang for the buck.

The Weekly Thought Bonanza thought of the week; A Texas mayor decided to do a rap video to supposedly support his town, Corpus Christi. The mayor’s aides have proclaimed that they did not know the extent the rapper was going to swear in the video. It is a rap video you turkey, what were you thinking?

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