Do you honestly remember when the last time that you had fun was? Remember that time when the laughter came from the belly, aka a “belly laugh”? Imagine if we could bottle up that laughter and put a little of that happiness in everyone. Maybe we just need a good ole fashion shot of Jack Daniels or Tequila. I think the whole world needs a drink for that matter.
Why are we so uptight about so many things lately? I used to believe that we were a generally happy society where smiles were plentiful. Now I believe there is a big portion of our society whose only happiness comes from the misery of others. How do so many people find enjoyment in spreading vicious gossip or wallow in someone’s misery? How does an individual find enjoyment kicking a person when they are down? Is it jealousy or is it a case where individuals need to feel like others are in their same predicament in life? Who will step up to the plate and change this?
Have you ever gone to Perez Hilton’s website and seen the downright hate he has for celebrities or politicians? Is it that Perez looks in the mirror every morning and doesn’t see a happy person, but sees someone who has such low self esteem he feels the need to embarrass others on his silly website? Page Six, the gossip column section of the New York Post featuring Cindy Adams, is the most popular section of the newspaper surveys say year after year after year. People know more about who is dating who or who got drunk over the weekend and spilled the fish tank over at Tavern on the Green than they do about the good deeds of people. Gossip Columns are not worthy of print and they never give you that anything positive or to feel good about.
I have to ask myself if I would read a feel good story to the end. Of course I would. I enjoy positive news and especially enjoy when people share a smile. We have only one life to live on this earth and it should be a life worth living. We should share in others accomplishments and console them in their failures. I started drinking the Kool-Aid and I am a better person because of it.
I love a great story told by an elder. I have always been a history buff and there is nothing better than seeing the glee in an elder’s eye as they tell the story. Sometimes listening to that story makes a day worth living for an elderly person. I am amazed at how little it takes to make someone’s day. As American’s live longer and longer more times than not people are outliving their spouse’s. Imagine the emptiness that must go along with that.
Whether you are a joke teller or not, a well told joke can keep you laughing all day. I am one that forgets pretty much all the jokes that I hear. I wish I could remember them word for word but I never do. I get so engulfed in a good joke that I forget to remember it. I guess there are worse things in life than forgetting a good joke.
People have always found solstice in their local pub or their watering hole. Jokes and stories are always abound with the patrons and the wait staff. Enjoying others company with a pint and some food is a great way to relax after a long day. As long as you don’t overindulge on the drink or the food it is a positive experience.
Having dinner with your family and sharing your day’s experiences seems to be lost in society. My family had the longest dinners where our day’s events were always discussed as a family. When dad got home and after his quick beeline to the bathroom, some of my best memories came from the conversations we had at dinnertime. We never ate dinner quickly and we never finished with someone still having something to share.
Television or a good book is a great release and a way to bring a smile to you. I am not speaking of watching the celebrity so called news shows where there is nothing positive to share or reading the National Enquirer. I am speaking of old fashion comedy variety shows or the great mystery novel. Family entertainment is not popular any more. Show’s like Baby makes Eight and the drama that goes with a show like that dominates television today.
Our children need to grow up and learn that positive reinforcement is the only way to grow up. There is nothing better than seeing a child smile and laugh. While two parent families are becoming a thing of the past that does not mean positive reinforcement needs to be. We owe it to our children to not only make them feel safe, but to also instill good values and happiness in them.
We cannot blame the economy for the lack of smiles today. Recessions come and go but happiness can’t. When you feel down just remember thebest days will always be ahead of us and not behind us. Polls have shown that Americans feel the country is going in the wrong direction. Why is that so? We are constantly thinking of new ways to improve our lives and have continued to strive to become better. Nothing will ever be perfect but to say that things are just better isn’t good enough anymore. We have to get back to the basics and starting with a smile everyday is a great way to start.
Times have changed since the early twentieth century and we have to change with the times. We work longer and harder only to see the blue collar middle class continually shrink. Every generation has its struggles and it is how we prosper during those struggles is the most important thing in life. Prosperity brings happiness and happiness brings prosperity.
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