Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Weekly Thought Bonanza July 27th

On Sunday/Monday, I produce a column called “The Weekly Thought Bonanza”. The column is based on all of the random thoughts that run through my head all week, and trust me there are a plethora of them. I will try to share as many of these thoughts as I can, so each one of my readers can think just a little bit extra over the coming week.

Is anyone following the Arizona immigration bill? While I see both sides of the issue, I believe Arizona has the right to protect its citizens and its economy, but I do not think that the Justice Department should be getting involved. Eric Holder should just back off.

Not that I am into promoting companies in this column, but when you buy an appliance at Best Buy-you get the Geek Squad to service the product if something goes wrong. When you call the Geek Squad you actually get an American that answers the phone and they show up within a day of the call. It is nice to see that a major US corporation gets it.

Having one child is a blessing, however having two is nothing short of a miracle.

The National Football League opens its training camps this week and it seems to me that this year is absolutely flying by. It will be Christmas shortly at this rate. It is time to start my list.

Here is something for the what the heck were they thinking vault. At least six babies have died in cars because of dehydration because they were left in cars in sweltering heat. Forget the death penalty, just put these folks in the same situation and let them see what there insensitivity has really done.

I just heard tonight that this is the worst mosquito year since 1996. If there is one insect I can do without it is the mosquito. Then again, what insect can or do you want to live with?

I have started to watch Sesame Street again as my fifteen month old has become enamored with it at breakfast. If I could only get the stupid songs out of my head all day it might be bearable. I stop short at watching Barney though.

My Kuerig coffee tip of the week is; Timothy Horton’s Italian Roast is fabulous.

I cannot believe I am going to say this out loud with a straight face, but Donnie Wahlberg is a pretty decent actor.

In case anyone cares, but there is now more flavors of microwave popcorn than there are microwaves in the United States. I like plain popcorn with butter, just butter. If I wanted Nacho Cheese flavor I would eat nachos.

Ok, I just got bit by a mosquito, further enhancing my point that this is a bad mosquito year. Ughh, I hate those little critters.

Changing diapers is a little bit like roping a bull. You have to keep the legs of your little one literally tied up or they will be getting their chocolate surprise all over the place.

If you want a laugh, go to your nearest ice cream shoppe and look at how many people are ordering the biggest ice cream cones ever. People should just grab a big cone and scoop out the whole half gallon for the love of God. How much ice cream can people eat? Ice cream has mega calories folks.

Hyundai has dominated the JD Power car awards this year. Is it me or are you still thinking a Hyundai is like the old Yugo?

My favorite summer meal is BBQ Ribs, corn on the cob, baked beans and cornbread. My, oh my, is that heavenly.

If skateboarding is a sport then there is a place for it in the Olympics. What is the difference between skateboarding and snowboarding?

By the way, I am not a fan of snakes either.

I do not remember all of the 90 degree temperature days in New England last year. I looked it up and there was only seven all year. This year there has been sixteen. What a difference a year makes.

Does anyone believe in exorcisms? Maybe I should ask Linda Blair.

The Weekly Thought Bonanza, thought of the week; Why isn’t there anymore candy stores around? Is it because we are now too health conscious? Food or shall I say candy for thought.

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