Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Senator Scott Brown

My mother is a democrat, she thinks John Fitzgerald Kenney is the standard bearer for all politicians ever. She has had a tough time over the last few days and she supported the new Senator from Massachusetts Scott Brown. Yes, the deep blue state of Massachusetts has voted for Republican Scott Brown for the United States Senate. The Senate seat held by her beloved John Kennedey and most recently the late Edward Kennedy. Republicans are back.

Senator Scott Brown is the new type of republican. Brown ran against the healthcare bill, higher taxes and runaway government spending. Democrats in 2010 beware, the people have spoken.

I have never been so excited to wait for election results in my lifetime. The excitement in this race was amazing. Brown came from over thirty points behind just a month ago to win this election.

Former Governor and Presidential candidate Mitt Romney said it best this evening, “The nation will thank you shortly and the United States senate belongs to the people.’

Scott Brown’s victory tonight is the shot heard round the country. Brown’s best tag line through the last two weeks has been, ‘this is the people’s seat.” Yes Scott, it is the people’s seat and you just won it with the people’s help.

Massachusetts has shown its independence and the country will follow this year in the mid-term elections. The country wants new leadership, she wants a voice in congress, and mostly she a healthy debate on the issues.

With 97 percent of precincts reporting, returns show Brown leading Coakley 52-47 percent, by a margin of 120,000 votes. Independent candidate Joseph Kennedy was pulling 1 percent.

The GOP state senator, once sworn in, will break the Democrats' 60-vote, filibuster-proof majority in Washington. This creates problems for proposed legislation ranging from financial regulatory reform to cap-and-trade, but most immediately Brown's win sends Democrats into a scramble to pass health care reform before he arrives in Washington. Democrats were already weighing options for how to fast-track the bill before polls closed Tuesday. Fast tracking a bill is just wrond. Ask Massachusetts.

Coakley, in her concession speech, said she was "heartbroken" by the result but thanked the Kennedy family for their support in the race and said she respects the voters' choice.

Hey Scott, thanks for opening up the debate. Gas up the truck, you are heading to Washington D. C., Senator Brown.

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