Thursday, October 8, 2009

Why you need to take that leap of faith

Have you ever taken a leap of faith? I am not talking about the faith you have in the Lord, I am talking about just going in and without any rhyme or reason going on faith and faith alone. I am not one to make leap of faith and I want to look back at my life and try to figure out why that is. 

I have never been one to just jump into something without thinking about it over and over and over again. If over thinking something were an Olympic event I would win the gold every four years. Some may call it being a chicken, I call it educated analysis. While educated analysis sounds like a really good term that I am proud to say I just came up with, it is another way of saying I have been a plain ole nervous nellie.

A prime example of how I over think things can be summed up in one sentence. I always show up to the dance but I am afraid to get onto the dance floor. I remember as a child always being nervous to make that leap of faith. I never trusted the abilities that god gave me. I never trusted myself to get over the hump because I was afraid to fail. As I got older failure became a big part of my life because I was too afraid to fail. You can learn from failures but you can not dwell on them.

In this world everyone blames and judges the other for the conditions now being faced by all. Economics, health care, raging wars escalating, global environment instability, racial tensions, and culture tensions among the big issues. It is as though humanity itself is infected with a deadly, destructive virus and we can't figure out its antidote. Observing this from mid-air, my heart breaks open, feeling this weight of sadness. Yet, deep within, my soul says this is part of our next stage of evolution. But the scene, looking down, is gripping in its scope of suffering and pain. All these masses of millions, on top of each other, with hands stretched up and reaching towards the light to be saved. Yet, they are not willing to give up the old ways of being in the world. They aren't willing to take that leap to begin their rise and ascending flight into higher structures of consciousness. They can't see they are in a bottomless pit of dark and hell like conditions. 

Witnessing many of my family and friends; the suffering felt deep in my heart is excruciating. But my soul says meet them where they are, and hold the higher consciousness as a beacon of light for them to see. This light is their beginning way if they choose to take it.....But why do so many choose not to take it....this is an existential question that continues to arise within me....aha, my own consciousness still needing work. I'm still in mid-air and have not reached the other world.

What gives me faith and continued courage to keep moving upward to this beautiful promised land are those great revolutionaries that have already paved the way. Those great souls of Jesus, Buddha, Paramahansa Yogananda, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, and the Dalai Lama just to name a very few. Today, so many great revolutionaries have already taken this great leap, and have already arrived on the other side of the divide, waiting and continuing to give maps of guidance; they mentors to many and a symbol of how faith can lead to success.  This is globally being felt, simple, ordinary people are making extraordinary leaps away from the old to evolve into a new spirited being, thirsting to become all they can be.

I personally don’t care to contemplate all of the many causes that interfere with our being the best we can be.  And when I say the “best” that is whatever you need to be happy.   The best” is whoever you are that allows you to be at peace, be content, living each day with joy in your heart.  The ”best” is being able to march on in the face of adversity and sorrow, growing stronger with each challenge.  Why aren’t you already there?  Stop over-analyzing and stop beating yourself up over not being in a place where you are your best.  Start taking baby-steps to find your inner strength, to find that person who may be buried so deep you thought they were gone forever. 

For me, my journey needs to start by taking a big leap of faith out of my comfort zone and I need to learn that it is better to fail at something then to just not try at all.

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