Do you ever drive in the morning and one pot hole in the high speed lane creates the biggest traffic jams day after day? Why can’t they just fix the pothole and save everyone’s gas? Seems like the Department of Transportation is not using its brain here.
It takes years to build a bridge nowadays yet it should only take no more than a year. Delay after delay for no apparent reason other than the fact that we try to extend every project to maximize the cost to keep the costs up. The army core of engineers can build a small bridge in a few hours.
Why can’t we find a way to make bread last more than a few days? Every time I try to go to make a sandwich I always find the bread to be stale. Can we make bread last as long as we now make milk last two months?
I want to know why we cannot find a way to stop the world from going hungry. We throw away more food everyday than we could possibly eat. Shouldn’t we be able to feed the world? Why can a simple process get so complicated?
I do not understand how this country cannot produce a vehicle that does not need gasoline. We can go to the moon, the moon for god sakes, and we depend on gasoline fueled cars and trucks. We make synthetic oil now, what is wrong with making synthetic gas?
We brought Apollo 13 home on a whim yet we cannot work a miracle like making a substance that will fire proof a home. Five alarm fires are on the nightly news at least once a week and yet we do nothing about making it a thing of the past. Lives are lost because of faulty materials yet there is not a company that has yet to step up to make a fire proof house, why?
How about a light bulb that last more than one thousand hours?
Sneakers that do not wear out.
Grass that will grow anywhere, a personal wish.
Pens that will never run out.
Computers that will not crash. (No offense to Bill Gates, Paul Allen, and Steve Jobs)
And a cardboard box that will not let items fall through the bottom.
We have the ingenuity to do so many great things and hopefully if we put some of that ingenuity to the problems we now face things will get better
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